Welcome to the Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Kiyobukan Karate-do and Ryukyu Kobudo.  Here you will find information and news about the Kiyobukan Association, our legacy in Kobayashi Shorin-Ryu Karate and Ryukyu Kobudo, as well as information about and our founder and teacher Hanshi 10th Dan, Seiei Nakaza, his heir, Hanshi 9th Dan, Brian K. Hobson; as well as our programs, teachings and events.  We welcome you in the spirit of our teacher and hope that you will join us in honoring the spirit of Okinawan Budo.   

The House of the Pure Warrior

The Okinawa Shorin Ryu Kiyobukan was founded in 2007 by Hanshi, 10th Dan, Seiei Nakaza, in Itoman-shi, Okinawa, Japan.  Nakaza Hanshi, began his practice of karate at the youthful age of 15 in Goju-Ryu Karate under the famous master Joen Nakazato.  He would later transition to the practice of Shorin-ryu karate, becoming one of the most senior students of Shugoro Nakazato, a Japanese National Cultural Asset, and senior disciple of Chosin Chibana, the first ever Hanshi of Karate-Do.  Learn more

15th Annual Kiyobukan Summer Camp


- hosted by Hanshi Brian Hobson, So Honbu-Cho, International Shorin-ryu Kiyobukan

Welcome! Again, I have the honor of serving as your host and Camp Director. It is with great pride and pleasure that I extend to you this invitation to participate in the 14th Annual Kiyobukan International Summer Camp. We are honored to once have a host of world-class instructors within Shorin-Ryu and, also outside of our style. You will find that the instructors that I have hand-picked are very approachable and incredibly knowledgeable. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn from the very best. 

14th Annual Kiyobukan Summer Camp

Friendship, Loyalty,  and Good Works

- hosted by Hanshi Brian Hobson, So Honbu-Cho, International Shorin-ryu Kiyobukan

Nakaza-Hanshi put great value in Shin-Gi-Tai (Heart, Technique, and Spiritual embodiement) of Karate.  He believed that the search for truth and wisdom in karate was a never ending journey, the path to which began with an open mind.  He valued the friendship of those who sought a similar truth.  Today we honor his legacy by maintaining his spirit of friendship through our annual Kiyobukan Summer Camp

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9th Annual Kiyobukan Open Championships

Gold and Silver Medal winners at the 9th Annual  Kiyobukan Open qualify for the chance to represent the Kiyobukan Assocation at the 2nd Annual Okinawa World Karate Championships and the 1st Okinawa World Junior Karate Championships in Tomigusuku City, Okinawa Japan  Aug 1 -9, 2022

Honor and Burden of Leadership

In 2013 Nakaza, Hanshi was called to grace.  Before his passing he promoted Brian K. Hobson to be the heir of his association and charged him to "keep (the) Kiyobukan strong" for generations to come.