The Dates are Set for the 2012 Summer Camp (Updated!!)
Post date: Jan 02, 2012 9:15:7 AM
3rd Annual International Kiyobukan Summer Camp
hosted by Kiyobukan Canada
Nakaza, Seiei
Hanshi, 9th Dan
August 10th – 12th, Friday through Sunday
University of Toronto: Scarborough Campus
1265 Military Trail, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M1C 1A4
This event is open to all traditional karate-ka, novice through Black Belt ages: 9-years old and up. Instructors may allow younger students to attend depending on the maturity and rank of the child. Camp directors reserves the right to deny application(s) for any reason or to dismiss camper(s) for negative behavior/attitude.
Testing will take place on Sunday. Hanshi Nakaza will be presiding over kyu & dan testing for all that are eligible. Consult your instructor for details
For more information click on the document links below, or contact the Camp Director: Sensei Paul "Karate Boy" Hamilton.